Factors that Affect Choosing the Best Tennis Shoes

No two persons share the same feet dimensions. Sizes are there to help finding the best shoe size that fits the feet perfectly, but it certainly does not mean that shoes with the right shoe size is the perfect one. Choosing tennis shoes should be treated crucial because there are other qualities aside from size that should be considered. A good read by Trainers for tennis and golf is here for you.

First element that is check is the fit. Feet are classified according to general types such as ideal, supinated, and pronated. Knowing which type you have will require checking the wear of your old pairs that you frequently wear. Notice that not all areas have the same amount of wear.

A pronated foot shows wearing on the insides of the soles and the area where the ball of the foot rests so it will require shoes with extra cushioning for more support. Supinated foot wears the outside part of the heel and wears out any kind of shoes faster and shoes with durable soles will work best. The last type, the ideal foot, is considered to be lucky because any shoe that fits is suitable provided that it feels comfortable when wearing them.

Another thing to consider is the surface and style of playing. Playing at the back line will require a pair of shoes that has lots of lateral support to cover for ankle stability needs. More cushioning will also ensure that the shoes can serve as a shock absorber specially when playing on hard courts.

On the other hand, playing volley with charges on the net needs shoes that protect the front of the foot. The toe and soles of the shoes are the most affected when serving or returning the ball with forehand strokes. Shoes with durable soles will help withstand this playing style.

The materials used to create the shoes vary. Canvas shoes are literally cool to wear because it allows more air movements in and out of the shoes better than other types. However, this does not provide a lot of support specifically with lateral movements. Leather is the most expensive but will provide the needed support. Leather resists moisture and so as vinyl. The difference is that vinyl, will most likely make the feet overheat because the flow of air is almost not possible.

Replacing the tennis shoes is considered when the choice of a pair greatly affects the game. Regular playing demands shoes that are well- chosen and perfectly matches with the player.